The English Course - Speaking Starter: Student's Book and DVD Set (Teacher's Copy)
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This set comprises the textbook and two DVDs of the same product title available for purchase at a reduced rate compared to what the components would cost if purchased separately. The book also includes a single, non-transferable username and password to access The Study Centre, which contains the the online learning materials that accompany this product title. The two DVDs contain all of the video and audio clips, interactive quizzes and tests, slideshows and other material that are required for completing the activities in the textbook. The DVDs can be used on any DVD-compatible hardware. Users of computers without a DVD drive can use disk images of the DVDs providing the computer has software capable of DVD playback.
This product is intended for use by a teacher. It is the same product as that which is available for use by students, but may be discounted or available for free in some circumstances for teachers. Other teacher-specific materials such as guides, answer keys, suggestions and alternative materials are to be found online at The Study Centre. A username and password will be needed to access The Study Centre (to be found in every textbook), along with an enrolment key to access the restricted teacher areas of the website.